History & previous meeting

2000 Meeting: St Edmund's Hall, University of Oxford, UK, 11th-12th  September

 (organiser: Charles Deeming)

keynote speaker

Amos Ar

Roles of water and gas exchange in determining hatchability success



Ar, A, Ifergan, O., Reizis, A., Zelik, L. & Feldman, A.

Does nitric oxide (NO) play a role in embryo-bird communication during incubation?

Ar, A & Tazawa, H.

Allometric analysis of heart rate of bird embryos

Baggott, G.K. & Latter, G.V.

Carbon dioxide and the avian blastoderm

Bamelis, F., Tona, K., De Baerdemaeker, J. & Decuypere, E.

Detection of early embryonic growth in chicken eggs using visible light transmission.

Barbato, G.F. & Block, M.L.

Identification of a peri-vitelline membrane variant associated with low fertility in pedigreed commercial broiler lines

Barham, P., Murphy, R., Bolton, D. & Simpson, N.

Incubation of African penguin eggs: finding out how the birds do it.

Decuyper, E.

Incubation, a crucial hinge between broilers and breeders.

Deeming, D.C.

Problems associated with egg turning.

Deeming, D.C.

Avian incubation in nests: relationships between turning frequency, egg composition and hatchling maturity.

Deeming, D.C. & Wadland, D.

Effect of mating ratio in commercial pheasant flocks on production, fertility, and hatchability of eggs.

Douard, V., Blesbois, E., Magistrini, M., Labbe, C. & Hermier, D.

Vitamin E and exogenous substrates do no change the phospholipid loss in turkey semen stored in vitro.

Elibol, O. & Turkoilu, M.

Effects of paper layers in hatcher trays on late embryonic development.

Elibol, O., Turkoglu, M. & Hodgetts, B.

Current problems of commercial incubation

French, N.A.

The critical importance of incubation temperature.

Hill, D.

Embryo temperatures in multi-stage incubation.

Hulet, R.M., Gladys, G., Hill, D. & Meijerhof, R.

Embryonic temperature effects on post-hatch performance in broilers.

Lourens, S. & van Middlekoop, J.H.

Embryo temperature affects hatchability and grow-out performance of broilers.

Marzoni, M., Castillo, A., Schiavone, A. & Romboli, I.

Effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on pheasant egg production.

Meijerhof, R.

Embryo temperature as a tool in incubation process

Reynolds, S.J.

Low dietary calcium during egg laying: effects on egg, clutch and laying parameters, and on skeletal calcium reserves of the Zebra Finch.

Richards, P.D.G. & Deeming, D.C.

Correlation between shell colour and ultrastructure in pheasant eggs.

Somaiya, A., French, N.A. & Stickland, N.C.

In ovomanipulation of muscle development in turkey

Sparks, N.H.C.

Shell formation and function and its role in incubation.

Speake, B.K. & Surai, P.

Wild birds and their brains.

Tona, K., Bamelis, F., Bruggeman, V. & Decuypere, E.

Relationship between broiler breeder's age on egg weight loss and embryonic mortality during incubation in large-scale conditions.

Van Brecht, A., Aerts, J.M., Leribaux, C., Janssens, K. & Bercksmans, D.

Analysis of the energy consumption to maintain an optimal incubation environment.

Wishart, G.J.

Assessment and significance of fertility in commercial poultry production.



Key Note Speakers

for 2024 IFRG meeting

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Rooster fertility: diagnosis and conservation

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Development and Updates on SPIDES; sciences and practices

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Impact of incubation temperature on meat quality in broilers

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