History & previous meeting

2006 Meeting: University of Lincoln, UK,  7th – 8th September

(organiser: Charles Deeming)



Rosetta Blackman, D Charles Deeming, Paul E Eady & Sarah Barton

Egg cooling in nests and attentiveness during incubation in British Passerines

M L Boerjan

Fine-tuning incubation conditions to match the genetic potential of modern breeds

D C Deeming

Role of egg composition in determining the incubation period of bird eggs

D C Deeming & C du Feu

Use of an infrared ear thermometer to determine brood patch temperature in birds

Okan Elibol, S K Sariyuz & J Brake

Effects of storage time and egg storage position followed by two turning frequencies during incubation on broiler egg hatchability

Baldassare Fronte, Elio Cacciuttolo, Paolo Mani and Marco Bagliacca

Study of embryos stages of development for estimation of day of death in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa rufa L.)

A Lourens

Field trials confirm increased hatchability by heating hatching eggs before storage

S Pritchard

Egg mass as a management tool

R A Renema, F E Robinson & M J Zuidhof

Identifying broiler breeder management - nutrition interactions to optimise chick production

R A Renema, N J Walanski, V L Carney & F E Robinson

Impact of genetic selection on the relationship of egg characteristics, chick measurements, residual yolk sac utilisation, and early growth traits

Sohair Y Saleh, K A Attia, Safaa S Abd El-Hamid & Maaly M Nassar

A comparative study on the effects of multi-enzyme feed additive “Kemzyme” on some fertility parameters of turkey toms and cockerels

Francesca Shapland & Glenn K Baggott

The effect of static incubation on the yolk sac vasculature of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

M Ulgu, I Yildirim & O Elibol

Effects of different relative humidity conditions during the days between 16 and 19.5 of incubation upon hatching results in broiler hatching eggs

Alexander J Wade, Nick French & Grenham Ireland

Isolation and manipulation of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) primordial germ cells to test the feasibility of producing a genomic archive

Roundtable “What is incubation temperature?”

M L Boerjan

Does embryo temperature gradually increase towards hatching?

Andy Hogg

Practical aspects of incubation temperature

A Lourens

Why eggs from different breeds need different eggshell temperature for best results

Barbara Tzschentke & Oliver Janke

Relationship between development in heat production and embryonic temperature and its influence by changes in incubation temperature



Key Note Speakers

for 2024 IFRG meeting

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Rooster fertility: diagnosis and conservation

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Development and Updates on SPIDES; sciences and practices

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Impact of incubation temperature on meat quality in broilers

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