History & previous meeting

1993: Scottish Agricultural College, Ayr (Brian Speake, Ray Noble & Nick Sparks)

International Hatchery Practice, 8(5) - 1994.

Optimum incubation temperature and egg size, N. French, p.25.
Time to hatch and sex of chicks, C. P. S. O'Rawe & N. H. C. Sparks, p.25.
Cholesterol, decosahexaenoic acid and the embryo, B. K. Speake, R. C. Noble, A. Maldjian & K. Vajda, p.25.
Parental age, egg weight loss and hatchability, M. van Kampen, p.26.
Effects of formaldehyde on chicks, A. R. Gerrits & J. H. H. van Eck, p.26.
Early deads - a major source of loss, B. Hodgetts, p.26.
Galliformes egg metabolic rate and embryo mass, M. W. Dietz, M. van Kampen & S. van Mourik, p.27.
Development of infertility, D. Burgess & A. Hogg, p.27.
Rapeseed and peas in broiler breeder diets, C. B. Petersen, p.27.
Transgenic chickens by microinjected DNA, C. Mather, J. Love, C. Gribbin & H. Sang, p.29.
The effects of turning on albumen, G. K. Baggott, G. Latter & L. Mann, p.29.
Why the avian embryo produces uric acid, G. K. Baggott & P. M. Bradfield ,br. p.31.
Fertility in poultry, G. Wishart, p.31.
What is chick quality, D. C. Deeming, p.31.



Key Note Speakers

for 2024 IFRG meeting

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Anais Carvalho, Ph.D

Rooster fertility: diagnosis and conservation

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Dinah Nicholson, Ph.D

Development and Updates on SPIDES; sciences and practices

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Servet Yalcin, Ph.D

Impact of incubation temperature on meat quality in broilers

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