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2022 IFRG meeting
Thank you for the support and valuable participation during the 2022 IFRG meeting!
After the onsite meeting in 2019, we finally got together on October 13th and 14th for the 2022 IFRG meeting in Leiden, the Netherlands. There was much to catch up on as friends and colleagues with the same passion for incubation and fertility.
We are grateful and honored to have experts worldwide participate in the meeting to share the latest knowledge and findings on fertility, embryology, egg handling and storage, the incubation process, in ovo sexing, the hatching phase, chick quality, and early life post-hatch. This share-learning platform provided an excellent opportunity for sciences and industry to connect and exchange.
This year the Nick French prize for the best presentation of a young scientist was awarded to Matthias Corion, a Ph.D. student at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium. Congratulations to Matthias for excellent work on “Determining the fertility and the sex of chicken hatching eggs using a new volatile organic compound extraction approach”
Thank you to our sponsors; Aviagen, Petersime, Cobb-Vantress, HatchTech Incubation Technology, Royal Pas Reform, and MSD Animal Health.
Thanks to all participants for your great scientific input, many fruitful discussions, and scientific interaction!
We look forward to meeting you at the Combined Workshop of WG6 and WG12 in Wrocław, Poland, September 18-20, 2023!