2024 IFRG meeting; Friday, October 4th

2024 IFRG meeting; Friday, October 4th

Session 4: Incubation (chair – Miriam Meijerhof)

08:30-09:15 Keynote lecture: Impact of Incubation Temperature on Meat Quality in Broilers
Servet Yalçın, Ege University, Türkiye

09:15-09:35 Incubator Temperature versus Eggshell Temperature during Artificial Hatching of Ostrich Eggs
Zanell Brand, Oudtshoorn Research Farm, South Africa

09:35-09:55 Effects of Thermal Manipulation of Broiler Embryos from 7 to 16 Days of Incubation on Later Life Thermotolerance
Itallo Conrado Sousa de Araújo, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

09:55-10:15 Mild Pre-Hatching Temperature Stimulation Improved Post-Hatching Performance in Male and Female Cobb500 Broiler Chickens
Arlette Harder, IASP at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

10:15-10:35 Coffee/Tea

Session 5: Incubation (chair - Anne Pennings)

10:35-10:55 Long-Term Effect on Hypothalamic Plasticity in Chickens Induced by Prenatal Temperature Stimulation Depends on Seasonal Environmental Conditions
Barbara Tzschentke, IASP at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

10:55-11:15 Effect of the Pipping Rate and Hatching Nature on the Development of Artificially Incubated Ostrich Chicks
Madeli Brand, Oudtshoorn Research Farm, South Africa

11:15-11:35 Thermal Imaging of the Temperature of Duck Egg Shells During Incubation in a Prototype Hatching Apparatus with an Automatic Sprinkling System
Agnieszka Lisowska-Lis, University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, Poland

11:35-11:55 Effect of Egg Turning Completing Time during Incubation on Embryonic Mortality and Hatchability of Broiler Hatching Eggs
Rana Dişa, Beypiliç, Türkiye

11:55-13:00 Lunch

Session 6: Incubation and Data Analysis (chair - Orhun Tikit)

13:00-13:20 Avian Twins
Marcin W. Lis, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland

13:20-13:40 Changes of Pekin Duck Hatchability During the Year
Aleksandra Januszewska, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland

13:40-14:00 Pullet Hatchability and Quality in Hy-Line Brown Laying Lines: a Data Analysis
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón, North Carolina State University, USA

14:00-14:20 Data Analysis of Leghorn Breeder Pullet Hatchability and Quality
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón, North Carolina State University, USA

14:20-14:40 Interpretation of Hatchery Breakout Data
Ron Meijerhof, Poultry Performance Plus, The Netherlands

14:40:15:00 Coffee/Tea

Session 7: Management and Connecting the Dots (chair – Barbara Tzschentke)

15:00-15:20 Effect of Broiler Breeder Female Stocking Density during the Laying Period on Egg Production, Mortality, and Hatchability
Okan Elibol, Ankara University, Türkiye

15:20-15:40 Hatchability and First Week Mortality were Severely Impaired After Inoculation of 18-day-Incubated Embryonated Broiler Eggs with Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis
Thijs Teng Mathieu Manders, Utrecht University, Netherlands

15:40-16:00 Understanding the Role of Embryo Development in in ovo Vaccination
Sergio Mesa Raya, HIPRA Animal Health, Spain

16:00-16:25 Connecting the dots!
Michael Wineland, Hatchery Consult LLC, USA

16:25-16:45 IFRG Business and closing (IFRG NextGen Funding, IFRG new chair, 2025 meeting, others)

19:00 Dinner

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