2024 IFRG meeting Thursday October 3rd

2024 IFRG meeting Thursday October 3rd

08:00-09:00 Registration at meeting room Turgut Albayrak

09:00-09:15 Welcome and introduction to the program by IFRG chair (Ampai Nangsuay)

Session 1: Fertility (chair - Roos Molenaar)

09:15-10:00 Keynote lecture; Rooster Fertility: Diagnosis and Conservation
Anaïs Vitorino Carvalho, INRAE, France

10:00 -10:20 Chemerin Present in Egg White, Oviduct and in Embryonic Annexes During the Embryo Development in Hens: a Potential Tool for the Genetic Selection?
Ophélie Bernardi, INRAE, France

10:20-10:40 Plumage Colour Variety Effects on Body Weight and Semen Quality in Leghorn Roosters (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Marelli Stefano Paolo, University of Milan, Italy

10:40-11:00 Coffee/Tea

Session 2: Presentations for Nick French Award (chair - Serdar Özlü)

11:00-11:20 Effects of SPIDES and Preincubation Warming Profile on Embryonic Mortality and Hatchability of Long-Stored Eggs from Young Broiler Grandparent Flocks
Orhun Tikit, Aviagen Anadolu, Türkiye

11:20-11:40 Does Vaccination Cause Stress? Comparison Between the Effects of in ovo and Post-Hatching Vaccination on Stress Level in Chicks
Weronika Skrypoczko, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland

11:40-12:00 The Effects of Light During Incubation and a Post-Hatch Enrichment on White Leghorn Layer Chick Development and Behavior
Louisa Kosin, University of Edinburgh, UK

12:00-13:00 Lunch

(Cont.) Session 2: Presentations for Nick French Award (chair - Serdar Özlü)

13:00-13:20 Influence of Light Exposure and Early Feed Access on the Multitasking Ability in Laying Hen Chicks
Catharina M.H. Broekmeulen, University of Bern, Switzerland

13:20-13:40 The Impact of Pesticides on Rooster Semen Parameters and Hormone Levels During Feeding and After a 4-Week Break
Skarlet Napierkowska, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science, Poland

13:40 -14:00 Effect of Nestmat Hygiene on Hatching Egg Quality and Chick Quality
Katharina Geers, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany

14:00-14:20 Morphological Embryo Development During Warming of Broiler Eggs from Storage to Incubation Temperature
Anne Pennings, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

14:20-14:50 Coffee/Tea

Session 3: Egg Treatment (chair – Hilke Willemsen)

14:50-15:35 Keynote lecture: SPIDES - Turning Science into Practice
Dinah Nicholson, Aviagen, USA (retired)

15:35-15:55 The Effects of SPIDES on Hatching and Chick Quality Traits in Different Poultry Species
Kadir Erensoy, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Türkiye

15:55-16:15 How to Warm Eggs from Storage to Incubation Temperature?
Jan Wijnen, HatchTech Group, The Netherlands

16:15-16:35 The Effect of a ‘24-day Incubation Principle’ on Broiler Performance
Jan Wijnen, HatchTech Group, The Netherlands

16:35-16:50 IFRG’s Moment of Appreciation

19:00 IFRG Barbeque Dinner

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